I tried calling Cynthia Aesthetics and got a voicemail. How do I reach someone?
Cynthia Aesthetics communicates via text and email only, please text your question and inquiry to 646-818-9602. If you require a phone call, you can request a call back via text message to 646-818-9602.
I'm a new client and don't know what to book?
All new skincare clients MUST schedule the Virtual Skin Health Session. Upon booking, please proceed with filling out the Online Virtual Skin Health Form, Downloading Google Duo, and Texting Cynthia 3 photos of your skin, 1 front view, and 2 side views to 6464237281.
I am a new client and just received an email that my appointment got canceled. Why did it get canceled?
If you’re a new skincare client with Cynthia Aesthetics and didn’t book a Virtual Skin Health Session, your appointment will be automatically canceled.
There are no appointments available to book or I cannot find an appointment time that fits my schedule. How can I book an appointment?
Cynthia Aesthetics offers monthly booking, and the calendar can fill up quick. Because of daily cancelations, you can sign up for the waitlist, for the month we’re currently in or the following month. Be as specific as you can, in the event someone cancels, your waitlist request will be fulfilled, you will be automatically be moved into that appointment slot.
I have an appointment tomorrow and it got canceled around my corresponding appointment time. Why did it get canceled?
All appointments must be confirmed, if your appointment isn’t confirmed at your respective appointment time, your appointment will be subject to cancellation to accommodate a waitlist client.
I am a returning client and haven't been to Cynthia Aesthetics in a while. I'm not sure what to book?
If I haven’t seen your skin in 6 months or more, proceed with booking a Virtual Skin Health Session.
What if I'm a return client and have an outstanding balance?
If you’re a return client and have an outstanding balance with Cynthia Aesthetics due to a late or same-day cancellation or no-show fee you will not be able to rebook until that fee is paid.
I booked an appointment and didn't receive an email confirmation. Did the appointment go through?
Text Cynthia at 646-818-9602 to confirm that the email address was entered correctly.
How do I place an order for products?
Please proceed to the “shop” section of the website. While placing your order please choose if you want your order to be shipped, delivered or held in-store for pickup. If you want your order to be shipped please select shipping (Shipping charges apply). If you want your order to be delivered please select shipping and enter your Brooklyn address. There will be a $5 delivery fee. If you want to pick up your order select pick up, you will then receive a text message letting you know what time you can pick up your order.
I ordered the wrong product. How do I edit or cancel my order?
Because Cynthia Aesthetics website is an E-Commerce website, Your order can only be canceled or refunded. Please contact Cynthia by texting 646-818-9602.
I placed an order but haven't received a text that my order is ready for pick up, delivery or an emailed tracking number?
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, products are delayed by 2 weeks. You will be notified when your order is ready.
Why does Cynthia Aesthetics require home skin acclimation prior to an advanced treatment?
Consider the preparation you’ve put in when readying yourself for a major event – whether it’s a big trip, a marathon, a huge dinner, or an important test, proper preparation in the weeks leading up to a skin-transforming treatment is no different. For optimal results, I can’t encourage you strongly enough to adhere to the home program prescribed by your licensed skincare expert. For best results and to reduce the risk of complications, it is mandatory that use the recommended Science Meets Skin of Color or PCA Skin regimen at home for a minimum of 14 days prior to your skin treatment.
Current or recent use of Accutane, eczema, dermatitis, malignant skin tumors, open lesions, lupus, active herpes infection, sunburn, keratosis, recent waxing or threading, or cosmetic filler in the last two weeks. Refusal or inability to cease use use of Retin-A, Renova, Refissa, Avita, Tazorac and Differin will disqualify clients for advanced peeling.
Expert Pre-treatment Advice

tan or go to a tanning bed for at least two weeks prior to treatment. Understand that tanning increases the risk of skin cancer, breaks down collagen and elastin and will work significantly against the results of your professional treatment. This practice should be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer and signs of aging.

have another exfoliating treatment unless recommended.

Wax, tweeze or use depilatory creams for 7 days prior.

Extended sun exposure particularly in the 10 days prior to treatment.

Getting cosmetic fillers for at least 2 weeks prior.
Using prescription topicals including but not limited to: Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, Ziana and high-percentage AHA and BHA (e.g. Glycolic Acid/Salicylic Acid) products for approximately seven days prior to treatment.
Consult your physician before temporarily discontinuing use of any prescription medications. If you are lactating, pregnant, or may become pregnant, consult your physician before receiving advanced peeling treatments.
Your skin is about to turn the corner. Your skin may or may not peel depending on the condition of your skin at the time of treatment. Please understand that the success of your treatment is not predicated on skin peeling. Treatments may cause slight redness, tightness, peeling, flaking or temporary dryness. Redness should subside several hours post treatment. Most clients find it unnecessary, or even undesirable to apply makeup, as the skin will be fresh, smooth and renewed.
Immediately following your peel, your skin is likely to feel strained or tight. This is perfectly normal. It may take 6 or more treatments to target the deeper layers of skin to ultimately loosen stagnant skin cells and reveal a truly brand new complexion. It is imperative that post-peel instructions for home care are followed in detail.

Direct sun exposure and excessive heat

Tan or use a tanning booth for a minimum of 14 days post treatment.

Direct sun exposure and excessive heat.

Have electrolysis, waxing, threading or any other form of hair removal for 7 days post treatment.

Cleanse your skin the evening of your treatment.

Exfoliate, in any way, shape or form for 14 days post treatment.

Pick or pull loose or flaking skin, you may cause hyperpigmentation.

Apply ice or ice water on the treated area.

Use exfoliating topicals, for 14 days post treatment. These include, but are not limited to: PCA retinol products, Retin-A, Renova, Refissa, Avita, Tazorac and Differin. If you are uncertain if your home care contains retinol or a retinoid, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Schedule laser hair removal, photo facials, additional chemical peels or microdermabrasion for a minimum of 14 days post treatment.

Use hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas or take excessively hot showers for 2 days post treatment.

Go swimming for at least 2 days post treatment.

Participate in aerobic exercise for 2 days post treatment.